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Common Email Pattern

Matches most email addresses.

Regex Editor

0 matches • undefinedms • undefined


Matches HTML tags and its attributes.

Regex Editor

0 matches • undefinedms • undefined

Dates dd-MM-YYYY

Matches dates in dd-MM-YYYY format.

Regex Editor

0 matches • undefinedms • undefined

Bitcoin Address

Matches Bitcoin addresses.

Regex Editor

0 matches • undefinedms • undefined

IPv4 Address

Matches IPv4 addresses.

Regex Editor

0 matches • undefinedms • undefined

Hex Color Code

Matches hex color codes.

Regex Editor

0 matches • undefinedms • undefined


Matches URLs.

Regex Editor

0 matches • undefinedms • undefined

Phone Number

Matches phone numbers in various formats.

Regex Editor

0 matches • undefinedms • undefined


Matches usernames (alphanumeric and underscores).

Regex Editor

0 matches • undefinedms • undefined

Password (8-20 chars, at least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 number, 1 special char)

Matches strong passwords.

Regex Editor

0 matches • undefinedms • undefined